Monday, June 4, 2012

The Potter's hands: Reinvention

Hey so I know what some of you are thinking, that when I say reinvention I mean the usual stuff, you know cutting your hair dyeing it blond or drastic weight loss followed by this major makeover. Ha! I wish!

There will be no hair cuts and makeovers for me, rather I mean a serious reevaluation of how I live, the things that rob me of my time and energy. The things that hold me back from being the 'me' am supposed to be.
Just this past week, God has really been pointing out some things in me that really have to go. I mean really, they have no place in my life anymore. And sometimes its scaring, some of this things are old habits that somehow creeped into my life and now feel like part of who I am/

It feels like am gonna change so much and even though it can only be for the better and for God's will to reign in my life, its really unfamiliar. But the two things I know for sure are:
1. God is in control. He knows exactly where we're going and He made me, I mean who better to be in control than one who knows ALL things?
2. When God is calling to a place of renewal and readjustment its always because greater tasks lie ahead and how can you move onto tomorrow if you hold onto to yesterday? How can one serve two masters at the same time? Impossible.

And so even though this is an out-of-my-comfort-zone place for me, I will listen and I will trust and when I find I revert to my old self, I will own up and allow God's tender hands to clean me up and continue with the molding process. He's a great Father.

I hope and pray that God is working His molding power on you too and that you allow Him. Painful as it maybe.

 "And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand." Isaiah 64:8

God's peace and blessings to you all

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